Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Are you homeless? Do you need money?!

To add to the fact that I spent Christmas in England with a bunch of Texans is my New Years Eve...with even more Texans. Beginning to see a trend here. Anyway New Years Eve in London was crazy!! Just masses of people everywhere. The fireworks on the Thames was amazing and so much fun but the really adventure happen after. The last train back home was at 2:08am. There was originally thirteen of us but we had got split up. Myself being with Adam and Marietta. After the fireworks we made sure we got Marietta back to her hotel and waited for the others to return. Finally we realized if we were going to make the train we needed to leave without them. So we ran to the tube got on and travelled with a lot of people plastered out of their minds toward the station. The tube stop just before Kings Cross Station which was the one we needed, the train came to a stop and we were stuck on this train for five minutes before the told us we needed to get off the train was broken. This was seven minutes before our train from Kings Cross was leaving. So we ran through this mass of people in the tube and out onto the street and began sprinting towards down the road to Kings Cross...we missed the last train by two minutes. So we started to walk back deciding that going back to the hotel was our best bet. It was at that point we ran into the rest of the group who had also been stuck on the same train as us. So we went back to the hotel to see if we could wake our other friends up with no luck. So we made our way back across London yet again to Kings Cross station. After much discussion on whether we should go out into the station and wait meaning we would have to buy another ticket for sure or stay in the tube and get on the first train back taking our chances that our tickets wouldn't be check and of they were we would explain the situation to the ticket person...we stayed in the tube. So there were the ten of us sitting along both sides of the tube station as people got off and looked as us strangely. Twice we got asked if we were homeless. The second time the guy came up to me and asked me why I was so sad then rushed on asking Are you homeless? Do you need money? When I answered no. He was shocked to know I was not even English. But I explained out situation to him and he gave us his sympathy. I would have preferred the money.

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