Monday, December 04, 2006

I Smell Smoke

So I woke up in a bit of a haze around three last thursday morning, three o nine to be exact, and smelt smoke. At first I though ahhh I forgot to turn the cooker off!!! But then I distinctly remember turning it off so I started to go back to sleep. Then I heard these guys talking out outside my window and I thought grumpily to myself that were rather rude, didn’t they know what time it was. At that point through my half opened eyes I saw blue flashing lights. I woke up for real at that moment because the strong smell of smoke, men’s voices and blue flashing lights meant one thing and one thing only…fire.
So I ran downstairs and threw open the door (apparently simply looking out my window did not occur to me this early in the morning… half of the Belfast fire brigade has now seen me in my pj’s) and saw that the warehouse just across from our row of houses was burning. It was at that moment that I thought about the whole looking out my bedroom window hit me. So I woke my housemate Erin just in case the fire got out of control and we need to evacuate our little house and we watched the building burn down. Actually we started critiquing their fire extinguishing methods hmmm I think you are actually suppose to aim at the fire not over the fire. Also we observed that most of the firemen did not look over twenty years old…

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Oh no, I missed all the fun!! Is your house ok and nobody got hurt? It was empty, right?
I swear, it wasnt my cigarette...